GKST Synod Profile


GKST Organic Employees

GKST has around 670 organic employees, which are divided into church employees with pastoral and non-pastoral statuses. 602 employees with pastoral status consisting of 231 men and 371 women. There are 68 non-pastor organic employees who serve at the Theological College (STT) totaling 5 people, the synod office totaling 33 people, hospitals totaling 15 people and schools totaling 14 people.

GKST Classic

The Central Sulawesi Christian Church consists of 27 classics, including:

Ampana classics, Bada classics, Behoa classics, Beteleme classics, North Bungku classics, Kolonodale classics, Lage classics, Malili Nuha classics, Mamosalato classics, Mahogany Bungku classics, Upper Mori classics, Mangkutana-Tomoni classics, Napu classics, Palu classics, Pamona classics West, South Pamona Classics, East Pamona Classics, North Pamona Classics, South Parigi Classics, North Parigi Classics, Poso Kota Classics, North Coastal Poso Classics, Coastal Poso Classics, Rampi Classics, Tojo Classics, Wotu Klasis and Sigi Classics.

The Central Sulawesi Christian Church, which is divided into 27 Klasis, has around 457 congregations spread throughout the GKST area.

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