Tim Delegasi Sinode GKST Menghadiri Sidang Dewan Gereja Sedunia di Karlsruhe, Jerman
Tentena, 26 September 2022
World Council of Churches (WCC) di laksanakan di Karlsruhe Jerman pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2022 sampai 9 September 2022. Sidang Dewan Gereja Sedunia yang ke 11 ini mengakat Tema : "Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity".
Pemimpin-Pemimpin gereja dari berbagai benua antara lain : Benua Eropa, Asia, Amerika dan Afrika berpartisipasi dalam Sidang Dewan Gereja Sedunia ini. 28 delegasi Sinode dari indonesia yang di pimpin oleh Pdt. Gomar Gultom, M.Th juga menjadi bagian dari Sidang Dewan Gereja sedunia termasuk GKST.
Gereja Kristen Sulawesi Tengah Mengutus Sekretaris Umum Majelis Sinode, Pdt. Jeterson Rense, M.Th dan Wakil Sekretaris Umum, Pdt. Eliezer Meringgi, M.Th untuk menghadiri sidang tersebut.
DR. Agnes Aboum sebagai Moderator of The WCC Central Committe menyampaikan keprihatinan dunia akibat dari Perang Rusia dan Ukraina dan dampak Covid 19 yang sangat membawa dapak kesengsaraan dan penderitaan umat manuasia. Gereja-gereja berusaha untuk terus menyuarakan dan menghadirkan Kasih Kristus yang memulihkan dan mempersatukan dunia.
(Sumber :Antara Sulteng)
Tentena, 18 Agustus 2022
Tim gerak jalan sinode mengambil bagian dalam memeriahkan HUT NKRI yang ke 77. sejak pagi sekitar jam 08.00 WITA, Tim Gerak Jalan Sinode sudah berkumpul di lapangan Puselemba Tentena, dengan balutan seragam Merah Putih. Anggota gerak jalan terdiri dari campuran perempuan dan laki-laki dengan jumlah total 22 orang. Tim Gerak Jalan Sinode bernomor urut 66 dari 68 peserta. Gerak jalan ini pun diikuti oleh berbagai instansi dan sekolah (SD,SMP,SMA). Sejauh 4 Kilometer rute perjalananpun mampu di lalui oleh tim gerak jalan sinode sampai di garis finish. Setelah gerak jalan selesai, dilanjutkan dengan dero bersama. Siapa Kita, Sinode GKST. Sinode GKST Pasti Bisa.
47th Central Sulawesi Christian Church Synod Session (GKST)
Opening Service of the 47th Central Sulawesi Christian Church Synod Session (GKST)
Beteleme, North Morowali, 11-14 November 2021.
The 47th Central Sulawesi Christian Church Synod Session which was held at Klasis Beteleme was officially opened by the Governor of Central Sulawesi, attended by 562 participants from 26 Klasis, Foundations and Departments at the GKST Synod. The opening service was led by Mr. Rev. Dr. Omnesimus Kambodji, M.Th Lecturer and Chair II of STT INTIM Makassar. Bible Verse Revelation 22:12-13: I am the beginning and the end is the theme of the 47th Synod Session of the GKS, while the sub-theme is "Only by hoping in God who frees and restores, GKST always fights for justice, security, health and welfare ''. The 47th GKST Synod Session has 4 major agendas, namely: evaluating the accountability report of the 2016-2021 Synod Assembly, Amendment of Church Orders, Programming 2021-2026 and Election of the Synod Assembly for the term of service 2021-2026.
Coordination meetings
31 May-2 June 2022
GKST Synod, Tentena - The coordination meeting as GKST Classic took place at the Banua mPogombo building, from May 31 to June 2, 2022. The Coordination Meeting lasted for 3 days, the trial started at 08.00 WITA and opened with worship first. The trial went well, each class and service bodies explained every problem that existed in their own service area. There were 27 Klasis and Synod Level Service Agencies that participated in the coordination meeting. The court's decision in 2022 to start self-training.

PHP Classic Lage
Opening Worship for the 73rd GKST Youth Anniversary Celebration of 2022 Klasis Lage at the Elim Maliwuko Congregation
Sunday 03 July 2022
The Synod Assembly of Rev. Nurna Tokede, S.Th., M.A was present to open the activity and give remarks. Mr. Pdt. Rinaldy Damanik also participated in the Opening Worship for the GKST Youth Anniversary Activities. This year's 73rd GKST Youth Gospel Preaching Day is an important momentum to unite a highly committed determination as youth who love the diversity and pluralism that God has given to this nation, because GKST youth as one of the pillars and pioneers of the nation must be able to answer today's challenges and a future with the best works, a solid faith without compromising tolerance between religious communities and making existing differences a strength to strengthen unity and integrity in an effort to advance this nation and region to continue to work in the local wisdom of the Sintuwu Maroso culture.